Background for pin - Truly Global

Audience: People

Truly Global

Pin - Truly global

We are a diverse bunch, with 18 languages and 19 nationalities already bringing their numerous skills and unique abilities to the table.


But in order to strengthen our culture and keep growing our talent, there’s no such thing as too diverse. We want more!


  • More remote hiring and onboarding.
  • More seamless remote working with both employees and clients
  • More travel between Frankly offices, and more working from other destinations (with a clear framework for these)
  • More social activities to bring everyone together
  • And even more hiring of all kinds of talented, great people


How can we offer the absolute best service to our clients if we don’t have the absolute best people working together? We can’t. So how can we find the absolute best people? By being truly global.



Learn about our other commitments